Category: Coffee

  • Interesting and Disgusting

    Interesting and Disgusting

    I had a pretty good inventory of green coffee beans when I stopped roasting my own in 2015. When I recently started roasting again, I decided to try the 10 year old beans before ordering fresh ones. The first bag I roasted weren’t great. The second bag was reasonably good. These were open bags and…

  • No Coffee?

    No Coffee?

    I’m not a fan of bloodwork. I’m also not a fan of leaving the house without having a coffee. Messing up my fairly rigid morning routine does have a tendency to throw me off for the rest of the day. Now I need to buckle down and try to get some actual work done.

  • Coffee Roaster

    Coffee Roaster

    Many years ago (2008) I started roasting my own coffee. At first, I simply put it in an air popper and let it go. It burned the beans on the outside and left the inside under-roasted. (ie, still green) BUT, it was the best cup of coffee I had ever tasted. I was hooked. I…